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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Carrie Underwood

Via Chatter: Carrie Underwood seems quite happy with her boyfriend, Ottawa Senators hockey player Mike Fisher, though she admits she has a lot to learn about his sport. The singer says she might enjoy hockey more if it got a slight makeover.

"They need to make the puck neon pink, because I'm having a hard time watching TV and following it," she tells Chicago's US99 radio station. "Because I can't see very well anyway, and I don't wear glasses [or] contacts.

"Previously linked to Dallas Cowboys quarterback (and Jessica Simpson's current beau) Tony Romo, dating an athlete makes sense for the sports-enthusiast. "I love going to any sporting event anywhere," Carrie says. "I don't care what it is, where it is -- I love it."

Carrie also enjoys watching 'American Idol,' the show that launched her career. And even though she won on the show four years ago, she still harbors some resentment about the experience. Refusing to disclose who she is rooting for this season, she explains, "When I was on there, famous people would come talk about who their favorite was," she says, "and if it wasn't me, I hold a grudge! I still can't watch their TV shows."

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